Upcoming Cooking Class September 16, 2015 - Two Week Weight Loss Series: Support, Education and Results. Understanding the Whole Picture about Weight Loss

Carol D’Anca MS, CNS, LDN, is a board certified nutritionist and a private clinician in Highland Park. She is the author of the book Food not Meds and is currently writing her second book, “Real Food for Healthy People: A Resource Guide.” She is also the founder of The Academy of Plant Based Nutrition and Cooking. Her proven methods have helped hundreds of people learn how to prevent and reverse diet related chronic illnesses.

Two Week Weight Loss Series: Support, Education and Results, You Will Finally Understand the Whole Picture about Weight Loss

The series will be held classroom style at:

Love That Spice

1893 Sheridan Rd, Highland Park, IL

(847) 780-4658 

Week One: Wednesday, September 16th 6:00 – 8:00 PM

Starting Clean: Getting rid of the toxins in your body that lead to weight gain and cravings; identifying your trigger foods and why you crave them.

Preparing your body to absorb the nutrients you will be taking in; giving your liver a break.

Developing a one week cleansing protocol; tools that can help.

Listening to your body and learning how to pay attention to what it is telling you. Becoming aware of the signals you are receiving.

Developing an eating plan of clean foods you can live with.

Inflammation and how to reduce it.

Facing your biggest time and food prep issues; learning how to overcome them.

Week Two: Thursday, September 24th 6:00 – 8:00 PM

Understanding hormones; which are working against you and how to work with them, which are your friends.

Understanding food addictions and what it takes to break them.

A review of progress and pitfalls – everyone has them.

Avoiding the “pleasure trap” that develops from marketing and lifestyle. Ways to optimize your

efforts. Surrounding yourself with positive energy. Looking at long term. Turning around the complex metabolic functions that become short circuited.

Click the following link to register for this class:


“Gut bio” and your brain. Breaking the cycle for life.

847 894 7581 | info@ foodnotmeds.com | www.foodnotmeds.com



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