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2 products
Taste of Curry Spice Box
Regular price $69.99 Save $-69.99
Taste of Curry Spice Gift Set Discover the exotic flavors of India & Sri Lanka. The perfect Spice collection to enjoy for creating delicious Indian & Sri Lankan cuisine. This set comes with recipe cards to get you started on your culinary adventure! This is our most popular basket for corporate and housewarming gifts. All spices are fresh ground for optimal nutrients. Our Indian & Sri Lankan curries are filled with anti-inflammatory compounds, anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties. Also in abundance are the following vitamins and minerals: vitamin C, niacin, potassium, protein, manganese, iron, Vitamin B6, dietary fiber, vitamin K, vitamin E, beta carotene and many other vitamins and minerals. Our most popular spice gift set!
Garam Masala 4oz
Tikka Masala 4oz
Madras Style Curry 4oz
Roasted Madras Curry Moong Dal Lentils 1 pound
Roasted Curry of Sri Lanka 4 oz
Exotic Indian Chai Tea 2.5 oz
Recipe Cards