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28 products

Anti-Inflammation Spice and Herb Blend Organic
Regular price $12.99 Save $-12.99
Anti Inflammation Spice & Herb Blend
Just sprinkle on your cooked foods and enjoy the taste and benefits
Aromatic, smoky, spicy, complex blend with just a touch of sweet. This vitamin packed, nutrient rich, complex blend is hand mixed with premium quality spices and herbs specifically known to have powerful anti-inflammatory (which have been shown to help arthritis sufferers manage pain), antioxidants, anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties. This tasty spice blend is loaded with compounds that have a variety of health promoting properties. Adding just a few healthy ingredients to your everyday dishes can make a significant difference in your overall health. We will show you how delicious healthy food can taste with the addition of health promoting spice blends. This blend proves that not only are spices good to you, they're also good for you! Simply sprinkle on top of cooked foods to enjoy the benefits of nature's very own rewards.
Turmeric is the #1 ingredient and the base for this blend. Blended with black pepper, cumin, ginger, Ceylon cinnamon, coriander, paprika, garlic, rosemary, pink Himalayan sea salt, cayenne pepper, mustard seeds, nutmeg, fenugreek, cardamom, sage, basil and spices.
Nutrient dense and vitamin packed, these pure & natural ingredients are hand mixed in micro batches to balance and develop a unique taste. Loaded with vitamins and minerals such as: manganese, iron, vitamin K, vitamin C, zinc, beta-carotene, calcium, iron, selenium, vitamin B6, dietary fiber, potassium; anti-inflammatories, antioxidants, and antifungals.

Bay Leaves Organic
Regular price $6.49 Save $-6.49
Turkish Bay Leaves. A flavorful herb used extensively to flavor soups and stews, often found in blends. A necessary staple of any well-stocked pantry or spice rack!
Bay leaves are often used in Mediterranean, Mexican, West Indies, and American cuisine.
Good source of vitamin A, vitamin C, folic acid, B complex vitamins. Minerals: copper, potassium, calcium, manganese, iron, selenium, zinc and magnesium. Contains eugenol.

Regular price $6.29 Save $-6.29

Customized Spice Blend
Regular price $16.99 Save $-16.99
Create your own spice blend! This has become a customer favorite. Got a recipe that has 15 ingredients and you don't want to buy all 15 ingredients? Don't see a spice blend you're interested in trying? Have you travelled somewhere and found a spice blend you love but can't find it anywhere? Well look no further! We will customize or create any spice blend that you desire. Talk about we do it your way....yes we do! Be creative, go crazy and most important, have fun!!!!
Simply add, in the special notes field the spices you want combined, the amount of the spices you want combined (whether you want a little of a particular spice or a lot) your heat level (1 being no heat and 10 being smokin' hot) and the quantity of the completed customized spice blend. The perfect tool for a chef, serious cooks, or the adventurous cook!
Deluxe Spice & Tea Lover Gift Box
Regular price $139.99 Save $-139.99
Spice and Tea Gift Set
This culinary and tea lover's set makes the perfect gift!
This ultra deluxe gift set comes with:
- 8 exotic spice blends (Each spice is presented in our glass spice jar with sifter.)
- 3 of our best selling teas: Lemon Zinger Herbal Tea, Coconut Almond Herbal Tea and our Vanilla Infused Black Tea. Over 35 cups of tea.
- Select recipe cards
Perfect for the adventurous cook or as a corporate gift!
*basket pictured, not included

Egyptian Basil Leaf
Regular price $3.75 Save $-3.75
Basil leaf - Ocimum basilicum, sweet basil, robust, aromatic, minty and slightly peppery in taste. Excellent, bold flavor! Great to spice up, meats, stews, salads, pasta and sauces, pesto, pizza and yes, tea blends! Basil is best used when added towards the end of cooking as it will loose it's flavor with intense heat.

Fennel Seeds
Regular price $6.29 Save $-6.29
Fennel Seeds Organic Sweet, aromatic and delicate flavor similar to anise. This seed is often used in fish dishes, cheeses, Italian sausage, marinara sauce, pizza, pasta, liquors, baking, breads, and cakes. 3 ounces, refill bag.
Fennel seeds is a good herbal remedy for coughs, gas and bloating. Contains lots of fiber and is often used to make herbal teas and in laxative preparations.

Fennel Seeds - Organic
Regular price $6.99 Save $-6.99
Organic Fennel. Sweet, aromatic and delicate flavor similar to anise. This seed is often used in fish dishes, cheeses, Italian sausage, marinara sauce, pizza, pasta, liquors, baking, breads, and cakes.
Fennel seeds is a good herbal remedy for coughs. Contains lots of fiber and is often used to make herbal teas and in laxative preparations. Fennel Seed is an ingredient used in our Cleansing Spice & Herb Detox. 4 ounces
Fenugreek Leaves
Regular price $12.99 Save $-12.99

Garlic & Parsley Spice Blend
Regular price $3.99 Save $-3.99
A wonderful blend that goes great with baked breads (add room temperature butter to 1 tbsp) and as a spread on fish and seafood.
Blended with garlic, paprika, basil, and dried parsley.

Garlicky Pizza Blend
Regular price $6.29 Save $-6.29
The most amazing pizza begins with this blend. Liberally sprinkle this blend on your homemade pizza or store bought pizza for a mouthwatering compliment with a spicy kick. Great on pasta as well as vegetables. This versatile blend even goes great with scallops, shrimp and fish. Blended with Greek oregano, basil, fennel, crushed red chili and garlic. 2 ounces, refill bag
Quick game time recipe: brush your pizza bread with olive oil and sprinkle the blend on sauce, then build your pizza adding:
cooked sliced chicken (or cooked crumbled Italian sausage)
roasted red bell peppers
red onion
1 cup mozzarella cheese (or pizza blend)
Finally sprinkle this blend liberally on top. Bake at 450 degrees F or until cheese melts, about 12 minutes.
Gotu Kola - Organic
Regular price $6.99 Save $-6.99
Gotu Kola, is one of the most widely used and important Ayurvedic herbs on the market today. It has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years and is thought to be one of the most spiritual and rejuvenating herbs in Ayurveda. It is also thought to increase psychic sensitivity and is often used to treat anxiety due to its calming abilities. Gotu Kola is also one of the largest cultivated crops in India and thrives under organic farming conditions. While popularly used as a food source (in curries, rice, salads and vegetarian dishes) rich in vitamin C in the form of leafy greens within Bangladesh, Thailand and Sri Lanka it also has been internationally recognized within many countries pharmacopoeias and has been a valid, recognized, botanical medicine since 1884.
It is used to support healthy veins and circulation. It is also used externally for minor wounds and burns. The herb is traditionally used to reduce anxiety, promote calmness and relaxation.
Delicious when prepared as a tea - taste is as delicious and as light as green tea!

Herb & Spice Seasoned Salt
Regular price Sale price $6.29 Save $-6.29
Herb and Spice Seasoned Salt. This isn't your average seasoned salt. This smoky blend compliments most everything you put it on!
Blended with smoked paprika, pink Himalayan sea salt, sugar, garlic, onion, thyme, and spices.Herb Rice Seasoning Blend
Regular price $6.29 Save $-6.29
Herb Rice Blend. This rice blend is no boxed mix! Fresh ground parsley, basil, bouillon and thyme is a delight when added to rice or spaghetti. This blend also shines on chicken, fish, steak and as a compound butter (by adding 2 tbsp. of blend to a tub of butter, stir and refrigerate 24 hours). Great on garlic bread too. A kid favorite!
Try 3 1/2 tablespoons of this pleasing blend with 1 1/2 cups of uncooked rice, 2 1/2 cups of water, 1 tablespoon of butter and 10 pieces of spaghetti broken into pieces. Bring to a boil, then simmer 20 minutes.
This blend is also fantastic as a soup mix. Simply add 2 tbsps of this blend to 4 cups of chicken broth (low sodium please), 1 cup of diagonally chopped carrots and a pinch of crushed red chili. Let simmer for15 minutes or until carrots are tender. Next, add chicken breast and simmer until chicken Is cooked, about 15 minutes.

Herbes de la Garrique - France
Regular price $6.29 Save $-6.29
Savory, aromatic complex herbal blend. From the French region that bears its name. A staple of France, this savory, yet vibrant blend of herbs is better for flavoring heavier sauces like those made from meat drippings, a sure hit!
Blended with sage, summer savory, rosemary, thyme, Turkish bay leaves and fennel. No salt

Herbes de Provence
Regular price $6.29 Save $-6.29
Herbes de Provence. Aromatic, flavorful, savory and earthy. Wonderful in tomato and lamb dishes. Fantastic on chicken and potatoes! Make a quick compound butter add 1 tablespoon of this blend to 1 stick of butter and spread on steak during the final minute of grilling. This savory blend is traditionally made from a combination of basil, lavender, marjoram, rosemary, savory, and thyme. 2 ounces
Lavender Buds - Organic Food Grade
Regular price $6.99 Save $-6.99
Organic Lavender Buds. Strong floral aroma and a delicious addition to spice and herbal blends.As a spice, lavender is best known as an important aspect of French cuisine and is an integral ingredient in Herbes de Provence seasoning blends. Lavender may be used on its own to give a delightful, floral flavor to desserts, meats, breads and in tea. The flowers can also be layered within sugar to infuse it with its distinctive aroma for use in cookies and candies. Lavender has been thought for centuries to arouse passions as an aphrodisiac, and today, is one of the most recognized scents in the world.
1 ounce
Put 2 tbsp of lavender in cheese cloth and place it under the seat of your car and enjoy the never-ending aroma of lavender!

Mediterranean Herb Blend
Regular price $5.99 Save $-5.99
Take a trip to the Mediterranean! This mild and pleasant blend is very tasty with subtle hints of mint. Great on meat, salads, soups, and vegetables. 2 ounces
Blended with oregano, basil, thyme, marjoram, sage, parsley, rosemary, dill weed, and savory.

Medium Spice Gift Box
Regular price $42.99 Save $-42.99
Dive into this culinary adventure!
What you get:
- Island Smoke Dry Rub
- Rosemary Paprika
- Pumpkin Spice Spice Blend
- Herb Rice Blend
- Southern Spice Chicken Blend
Each spice is presented in our glass bottle.
Mexican Oregano
Regular price $3.99 Save $-3.99
Oregano is a warm and aromatic yet slightly bitter herb. The best quality oregano is grown in warm dry climates and has a pungency that numbs the tongue. Sunlight encourages the concentration of the essential oils that give oregano its flavor. Mexican oregano is a plant in the verbena family that has an even stronger flavor and more aromatic than that of Greek or Italian oregano and is used in Mexican cooking where bold flavors are a must. 1 ounce

Organic Basil
Regular price $2.75 Save $-2.75
Organic Egyptian Basil. Slightly sweet, aromatic. Cooking options with fresh basil are almost unlimited. Basil is often added to pizza, chicken, pasta, sandwiches, sauces, salads, eggs, and fresh fruit. It can also be added to vinegar, oil, jam, and sauces such as pesto.
When cooking, basil is often added to a dish at the last possible moment to preserve the flavor.